Vance Country Ford Guthrie

Jan 21, 2021
historic downtown Guthrie

What to see in Guthrie?

historic downtown Guthrie


We’d be happy to tell you. Some folks would call Guthrie a sleepy little town, and while it certainly is lived at a slower pace than nearby Oklahoma City, there’s still a great amount of things to do in Guthrie.


Some of the oldest brick roads in Oklahoma run through downtown Guthrie, and cruising them brings to mind another era. The streets aren’t the only important historic spots in Guthrie, however, as the original capitol of Oklahoma is right in the center of downtown Guthrie.


While it may be difficult to tour the original state capitol in Guthrie, it’s still a gorgeous relic of a not-so-distant past that lives on to this day.


There are a wide assortment of antique stores and boutiques that are ubiquitous in small towns, all of which are housed in stunning old brick buildings. This town still resembles the old west in many ways that the citizens of Guthrie have meticulously maintained. It’s these fine touches that make Guthrie one of the most well-preserved historic cities in Oklahoma.

Railroad tracks in Oklahoma

Where to eat in Guthrie, Oklahoma


Guthrie boasts a wide variety of restaurants, if by “wide variety of restaurants” you mean scores of barbeque and American food joints. They’re tasty, though, so we don’t mind the theme. Stables in Guthrie serves up some of the best brisket in town, and in a delightfully-retro setting. Stacy’s Place in Guthrie is another American-style food joint that sits in a building with high ceilings, tin crown molding, and old hardwood floors that’ll transport you back a few decades in time. Not to mention their delicious and affordable food.


Looking for a local beer in Guthrie? Look no further than The Jungle in Guthrie. It’s a dive, sure, but that’s where to find some of the best locally crafted brews around. 


Guthrie has plenty of amenities, but did you know that there’s a bike shop in downtown Guthrie? It’s the perfect little town for riding your bike, so it only makes sense, but it’s still nice to see a place to repair your bike in Guthrie. We’d recommend swinging by Guthrie Bicycles for all your biking needs.


It’s not always sunny and warm out, however, and it may be necessary to get behind the wheel to get where you need to go. That’s where we come into the picture.

Mansion in Guthrie

Where to get affordable auto repair in Guthrie?


Vance Country Ford is the home of affordable auto repair in Oklahoma, and we give back to our community through hiring local and keeping our auto repair prices low as they can possibly be. We’re your local Ford dealership, and we believe that being local means more than just your geographical location.


We’re the only Ford dealership in Guthrie, but we still strive for excellence. We’re a five-star Ford dealership because of the five-star service and affordable new car pricing we offer. 


Guthrie has a lot more than you’d think, but not so much as to make it a bustling city. It’s a slower-paced place rife with natural beauty, old back roads, and a rich Oklahoma history. We’d love to see you next time you take a trip from OKC